Quick post today - More of a “Did you Know?” actually. We get requests all the time to implement a pan tool, or a hand grabber for Alteryx that lets you pan around on the canvas. There are a couple of features already that work as a pan or as a hand grabber would.
The Overview window: Yes the little window that resides beneath the Toolbox. It is actually quite “HANDy” (pun-intended). You can click on the overview window and slide the highlighted box around to your desired position and the Module canvas will display what is in the highlighted box.
And then there’s your very own mouse…It is the only pan tool you need. There are 2 ways your mouse will act as a pan.
- Click and hold down your mouse wheel. It will look like this:
Now drag around to your heart's content...you are panning!
- Don’t have a mouse wheel? Alt+left click works the same way.
Pan pan pan your way around the canvas.